
Check out a recap of the race on Vimeo

What would happen if we subjected one of our bikes, designed for urban transport, to a grueling 77 mile, Rapha designed, race?

We really had no idea.

We did know that we wanted to push the limits of what people expected from a cargo bike.  We built a modified Metrofiets frame and raced it (all 77 miles) over washboard gravel roads, featuring off camber turns and 5,000 ft. of elevation climb.

So how did we do?

We learned a ton of stuff, specifically we needed to stiffen the frame, add external gearing options and change the geometry a bit.   Lots of stuff to add to our bikes going forward.  All in all, not bad for a 68 lb cargo bike. (See the bike that has all those changes here.)

Oh, we finished the race (one of the first to finish in CAT3) and were awarded 7th place out of 31 for design.

Thanks to our OM ’09 Race Sponsor Suppenküche.

(Please be sure to visit them when you travel to San Francisco.)

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